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Child immunisations

The practice has regular clinics for routine child immunisations following NHS guidelines. You can find out more about the schedule at

Parents can sign up to using the eRedbook which is the digital version of the familiar Red Book. We encourage parents to use this so all the important health information about their children are accessible to them and they are aware of any immunisation that might be due.

We have created our child immunisation invites in several languages to make it more accessible to our patient population. If you would like to request it in additional languages, please let us know.

Childhood immunisations, Bulgarian

Предстои ваксинация на детето ви. Ваксинирането е важна част от защитата срещу сериозни болести. Ние следваме правилника на NHS с цел безопасното поставяне на ваксините по време на пандемията COVID-19. За да си запазите час моля свържете се с нас. Има електронен вариант на “червената книга”, за регистрирате моля следвайте линка :

Childhood immunisations, Italian

È tempo per fare un’appuntamento per il suo bambino per la vaccinazione. Le vaccinazioni sono importanti in quanto proteggono dalle malattie gravi. Seguiamo le linee guida dell’NHS per garantire che le vaccinazioni vengano erogate in modo sicuro durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Si prega di chiamare per fissare un appuntamento o discutere eventuali preoccupazioni.

Childhood immunisations, Polish

Twoje dziecko powinno poddać się szczepionce. Szczepionki są ważne ponieważ chronią nas przed poważnymi chorobami. Postępujemy Zgodnie z NHS procedurami tak aby cały proces szczepienia przebiegł bezpiecznie podczas pandemii korona wirusa. Proszę zadzwonić aby umówić wizytę lub uzyskać więcej informacji. Możesz zapisać się na stronie aby uzyskać elektroniczna wersje cze

Childhood immunisations, Romanian

Este timpul ca să programați copilul dumneavoastră pentru vaccinare. Vaccinările sunt importante, deoarece protejează împotriva bolilor grave. Noi respectăm regulile NHS-ului pentru a ne asigura că vaccinările sunt administrate în condiții de siguranță în timpul pandemie COVID-19. Va rugăm să ne apelați pentru a face o programare sau pentru alte orice informații.

Adult vaccinations

Vaccinations provide the best protection against many of the most deadly and painful diseases. We fully support the NHS vaccinations campaigns and invite our patients to receive these vaccinations. If you would like to receive reminders, please ensure your contact details are up-to-date, especially your mobile phone number.

Flu vaccination

We provide flu jabs for patients over 65 years of age as well as with certain chronic conditions and pregnant women. Please enquire within.

Flu vaccination is safe and effective. It’s offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

The NHS website provides information about who can get it, how to book and where to get the vaccine.

Find out about flu vaccination for adults

Find out about flu vaccination for children

Pregnant women

Pregnant women can receive the flu jab as well as the Whooping Cough vaccine.


Pneumococcal can be a deadly disease affecting the elderly especially. You can find out more at the following sites:

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

The RSV vaccine helps protect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common virus that can make babies and older adults seriously ill. It’s recommended during pregnancy and for adults aged 75 to 79.

  • Click here to see how you can protect yourself
  • Click here to read how to do to avoid catching and spreading RSV


People between the age of 70-78 are entitled to receive the vaccinations against this painful disease. You can find out more at the following sites:


COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.

The NHS website provides information about the vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects.

Find out about COVID-19 vaccination

Related information

NHS vaccinations and when to have them